【同义词辨析】 2019-11-26 尊敬revere-adore

revere: stresses deference and tenderness of feeling: a tradition ~d by generations of scholars.  defer遵从恭顺implies a yielding or submitting to another’s judgment or preference out of respect出于尊敬而让步或顺从他人意见,如refused to show any deference to senior staffers拒绝对高级职员表示恭顺)  

reverence: presupposes an intrinsic merit and inviolability in the one honored and a corresponding depth of feeling in the one honoring: the general ~s the army's code of honor. (honor荣誉荣耀光荣applies to the recognition of one's right to great respect or to any expression of such recognition表示"承认应受尊重,或表达尊重",如an honor just to be nominated一项即将提名的荣誉,英语中的荣誉荣耀光荣是指受到be respected被尊重,如劳动最光荣work, the most honorable thing in the world这里的光荣是指被尊重)

venerate: implies a holding as holy or sacrosanct because of character, association, or age: national heroes who are still ~d.

worship: implies homage usually expressed in words or ceremony to a divine being or to a person to whom exalted character or outstanding merit is imputed: ~s the memory of her husband.   homage尊敬赞扬, 表示尊敬并且赞扬to honor and praise,如for centuries dramatists have paid homage to Shakespeare几百年来剧作家们一直表达着对莎翁的尊敬和赞扬

adore: close to worship, implies love, and stresses the notion of an individual and personal attachment: a doctor who is practically ~d by her patients.

revere尊敬遵从: 强调遵从柔情,reverence尊敬遵从: 强调被尊敬的人物本身具有美德,因此深受尊敬,venerate敬仰: 表示敬为神明,由于品格关系年龄,worship崇拜: 指用语言仪式表达尊敬赞扬,对象是神明品德高尚的人,adore喜爱: 表示对个人的喜爱牵挂记忆方法: 1)首字母RRVWA想成A Very Respectable RW可敬人物<==尊敬

         2)的意思是深深尊重mean to regard with profound respect and honor.